S1 - First Contact Plus Self-Referral
Your First Contact for Information, Advice and Support in Leicestershire
First Contact Plus is an online tool which helps adults in Leicestershire find information about a range of services all in one place. The initiative allows residents who require help with one or a number of issues to access a catalogue of information, advice, help and support.
Improving your Health - Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Awareness, Healthy Weight, Sexual Health and Mental Health & Wellbeing
Falls - Previously Fallen and Preventing Falling
Feeling Safe - Fire Safety, Risk of Crime, Rogue Traders and Victim of Crime
Living Independently - Managing Personal Care, Help in your home, Lifeline and Assistive Technology, Community Groups & Transport, Visually Impaired and Hearing Impaired
Money, Debts and Benefits - Benefits, Debts, Managing Money and Funding Future Care
Work, Learning and Volunteering- Unemployment, Adult Learning and Volunteering
Families and Relationships - Caring for Others and Family Activities & Support
Your home - Repairs, Adaptations & Maintenance, Warm Homes and Housing Options
First Contact Plus is delivered by Leicestershire County Council in partnership with GPs, the police, health organisations, voluntary groups and social care departments, district & borough councils who are helping adults across the county by working together to make access to services much easier.
Visit their website for more information and access to the Self Referral Form
T: 0116 3054286
E: firstcontact@leics.gov.uk
W: www.firstcontactplus.org.uk