H2 - VASL Support for Carers
We run the Support for Carers Leicestershire project to support carers throughout the county, whether you care full-time or for a few hours a week. You can see what the service offers here http://www.supportforcarers.org/
By August 2017 we had 4200 carers signed up for the service and around 5 new carers join every week.
The project aims to inform and support carers in all communities throughout Leicestershire, to improve carers' quality of life, promote their health and well-being and to encourage them to make real choices about their lives.
The service includes:
- a dedicated telephone advice line (calls charged at local rates) so you can talk to experienced professionals in confidence about any aspect of being a carer,
- carers' support groups around the county,
- a telephone befriending service specifically for carers, a website full of news and information, a quarterly newsletter and an online directory of local services for carers.
The project is funded by Leicestershire County Council.
To find out more:
Visit: www.supportforcarers.org
Call: 01858 468 543
Email: maureen@supportforcarers.org