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A1 - Leicestershire Weight Management Service

The Leicestershire Weight Management service offers a nutritional lifestyle programme. It runs for 12 weeks. Things we explore:

  • How to change your eating habits to be healthier and reach a healthy weight
  • Effective physical activity for weight loss and health
  • What is a healthy weight or BMI
  • Keeping a lifestyle diary

What We Offer

  • Support from a qualified professional to help you to meet your goals
  • A plan to track your progress in changing your lifestyle habits
  • Slow, steady and sustainable weight-loss goals—usually 1 to 2 pounds per week
  • Regular feedback on your goals and progress (over email, phone, video call, web chat or text messages)
  • The option of social support from groups and referrals to other support services
  • Monitoring and support throughout the program (in person, by phone, online)

The programme is designed to help empower you to make informed changes in habits and food choices. We want to enable you to develop new eating routines that will help you have more energy and find renewed joy in food and exercise.


* Leicestershire Weight Management services are available subject to eligibility.

Give us a call on 0116 305 0730 Or fill in the online form and one of our dedicated team will give you a call.

What are you waiting for? If you feel the weight management service can support you, and you're ready to take that first step to improving your health and wellbeing – please do get in touch.

We look forward to supporting you to on your journey to an improved and healthier lifestyle very soon.

* Basic eligibility to access this service includes having either a home address, GP surgery or place of employment based in a Leicestershire County Council District.


Can't find what you're looking for?

Please get in touch and let us know if there is more we can do to provide information online.